Stuart Medina Miltimore
Stuart Medina Miltimore
economist, Red MMT España

Start | 18:30

Stuart Medina Miltimore

  10 minutes

Stuart Medina Miltimore is a member of Red MMT España. He is a regular collaborator with several journals such as Infolibre and the Blog Alternativas of El País and the author of the Blog Desempleo Cero (Zero Unemployment). He has a BA on Economics and Business Administration and a MBA from the Darden School of the University of Virginia.

He has more than 30 years of professional experience in the sector of Biotechnology where he founded ProRetina Therapeutics, a company developing a treatment for a retinal disorders leading to blindness. He has recently published “El leviatán desencadenado. Seven proposals for full employment and Price stability and 21 reasons to leav the euro”.